Fare for All
Fare for All will be operating an indoor food sale with extra safety measures once per month from 4- 6 at Zion.
Mega Meat packs ($25), Mini Meat packs ($11), Produce Packs ($10) and Combo Packs ($20) will be for sale. In Nov. and Dec. the Holiday Pack will be available for $30. Check Fare for All’s FB page regularly for the complete menu before the sale. Credit, debit, or EBT payments. No checks.
Friendly reminder of our ongoing safety measures:
1. ** Mask up ** indoors (regardless of vaccination status)
2. Physical distancing will be in place when indoors through spaced-out lines & one-way flow of foot traffic
3. Menus will be displayed spaced widely apart.
4. Please send one shopper per household if possible.
5. If you are experiencing any fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste/smell, please refrain from coming to the sale. Call a friend or family member- they’re welcome to purchase for you!
Fare For All is a community-supported, non-profit program, open to ALL! We provide easy access to low-cost, nutritious foods, including fresh fruits and veggies and frozen meat packages. No income or residential restrictions and no pre-registration. Order and pay at the sale location.
Visit our page for more information or visit our website to sign up for email reminders: https://fareforall.org/sign-up-for-site-reminders/